Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My little girl is one today....

One year ago right now, we were in the hospital waiting (as we already had been for the past 28 hours) and Kenzington Grace eventually did grace us with her presence at 6:13 p.m. only 39 hours after the first contraction. It has been quite the year for us, I honestly cannot believe how much she has changed in just one year and at the same time its crazy how fast that all went. She had her first holiday the day she was born *(St. Patty’s Day of course). And her second holiday less than one week later as Easter was very early last year. She started out with waking up every 2-3 hours in the middle of night, then her getting up at 5 and not taking a nap for quite a few hours. At 2 weeks she started coming to work with me (I was going crazy staying at home). When she was about 2 months old we took a trip to San Antonio, and then the first week in June she started daycare with Tiffany Gilmore. Throughout the summer we went camping and swimming, she had her first rodeo, parade, and Mariner’s game. We went to a few weddings and had many, many friends be born (Layla, Brit, Jaxon, Ava, just to name a few). She stared to sit up a little before six months and got her bottom two teeth around then too. She moved from her bassinet/playpen in our room to her own crib on my birthday in September. By October she was crawling a little and by the end of October she was into everything. In November she could walk with a push toy and around Christmas (at nine months) she was able to take a few steps. By the middle of January she could walk well, and in February she could officially run. She now has 6 teeth, 2 bottom and 4 top. She can dance, wave, and clap. She is done with formula, feeds herself with a spoon (very messily), loves whole wheat bagels, and likes to play peek-a-boo. She loves to “find” us from around the corner when we are hiding from her and she thinks is hilarious when we jump out and scare her. She is very attached to her blankies, and unfortunately also to her binkies. We are working on getting her off the bottle completely and she only has one per day. She likes to walk around holding onto her spoon after she is done eating. She can throw one heck of a fit if she doesn’t get her way. She says mama, dada, yeah, and a few other things that I am not sure what they mean. She now weights about 20 pounds (up from the 7 lbs 2 oz when she was born). There is so much more to it, but the important thing is, we love her to death!!!

Her birthday party was great, thank you to everyone that came I think that she had a really good time. I have a ton of pictures that I will post sometime soon. We are having a family birthday tonight so I will have pictures of that too.

Oh, and I can finally get pigtails in her hair...

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