Friday, September 26, 2008

Look At Her Now!

Well, yesterday I was playing with Kenzie on the floor and I had a magazine. Apparently she wanted it, because the rocking back and forth on her knees turned into a frog like motion that propels her forward. It is the cutest thing. She gets up on her hands and knees, rocks back and forth, moves her left leg forward like she is going to crawl, then propels her body forward. I took a ton of video of it because I am sure it wont be long before she gets the crawling motion down. Anyway, she can now move forward at a pretty rapid pace.

On another note, I brought Kenzie to the babysitter this morning and she asked me if she was getting any teeth. I hadn’t felt her mouth since last weekend, so I felt her gums. She had little pokey bumps along the bottom gums, wow. And then about 4 o’clock Tiffany *the babysitter* called, and said that she had gotten 2 teeth! I can’t wait to go get her and check them out! All is well and she has not been cranky at all!

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