Friday, December 19, 2008

9 months already!

Kenzie had her 9 month Dr. appointment on Wednesday and she is now up to a whopping 17 lbs 11.5 oz. She is 27 ½ inches long. Dr. Harris said that she is moving right along the 25th percentile for weight and the 50 percentile for height and she looks pretty good. Her skin gets a little orange-ish sometimes but that is due to all the sweet potatoes that she loves. Also, she has had this rash on her face and he told me that some hydrocortisone should take care of that. I have been using it the last 3 days and the rash is almost gone. She is so close to walking, when we stand her up she can take up to 6 steps at time, although I know she would much prefer to crawl since it gets her to where she is going faster and she doesn’t have to worry about falling on her face. I can't believe there are only 3 more months until she is a year old!

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